Mariti alla brace

(2 customer reviews)


Miti erotici dell’Amazzonia


by Betty Mindlin

Prefazione di Maurizio Gnerre


Translated by Angela Masotti
Pag. 304 – Formato: 15,5 × 23
Confezione: brossura
Pubblicazione: novembre 2012
ISBN: 978-88-97462-28-6


SKU: 632 Category:


From the heart of the Amazon rainforest, this book is a tasty repertoire of myths and tales. Mariti alla brace casts an indiscreet glance on the life of the Indians in the Amazon and on their way of conceiving the relationship between genders.

The important anthropological study carried out by Betty Mindlin is the result of a long and rigorous field research in the Amazon. The book touches, without censorship, the most controversial themes of love and sex - masturbation, incest, adultery and power relations between men and women ..
The engaging narratives unfold a profusion of amorous fantasies seasoned with exotic and fantastic elements. This is opposed by the rigid moralism of the social structure, often with results of shocking violence and repression.

“This book seduces the reader into an enchanted world where love, jealousy and pain are descripted as powerful, vivid images and intoxicating exaggerations ".



2 reviews for Mariti alla brace

  1. Lorena

    Che libro! Interessante e…divertente.

  2. ilenia

    Scritto bene, interessante e…che risate!!

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