Koala is the new brand of Edizioni La Linea for the little ones.

Coloring books with large tables and simple designs, created to entertain children to unleash their fantasy!

Logo Koala

The first coloring book Koala...BRIOCHINA un viaggio da colorare

Briochina un viaggio da colorare

BRIOCHINA un viaggio da colorare 
Illustrazioni di Nazir Sharifian

Formato 21×23
Pagine 16
€ 3,50
isbn: 978-88-97462-66-8

Dai 3 anni

Briochina, fresh from the oven, sets off on a journey in search of a soul mate. Will he find it? Maybe, but first he will have to defeat a host of enemies: lumps of sugar, candies and carbonated drinks. Have fun with the children to unleash their creativity!

Trova il colore più adatto alle sue avventure e, alla fine della storia, divertiti a risolvere i giochi!

Albo da colorare

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